Saturday, May 8, 2010

a nymphomaniac is just someone who has more sex than you. -alex halbert

Fritz Perls says, "the only way out is through."

'If we led our lives according to the ways intended by nature,' wrote French author La Boétie in his book The Politics of Obedience,' we should be intuitively obedient to our parents; later we should adopt reason as our guide and become slaves to nobody.'

I'm so busy being POPular that I don't have time for SCHOOL

two people made love to me last night, but first discovered how to do so without making me go insane due to post traumatic incidents. mother, fucking, props.

base through ceiling, distinct sound, certain individual feeling

I just have to kick EVERYTHINGS ass, I have no choice

'turbo-capitalism' = recent economical developments form 2000 to 2010. -Edward Luttwak

al porto has been with all of the bitches

a nymphomaniac is just someone who has more sex than you. -alex halbert

the people you can't stop thinking about

evil little boys with secrets

my chosen lovers are my favorite people, because, they mentally stimulate me in some way or another, or more enrich me as a reactional (learning) entity . they have the ? that ? we all know as people but can't figure out the identity of, they have the _ , that I don't . the _ that I need to be more complete as a reflection of the universe's never ending pyramid of reaction and reality.
reality is composed of constant unending reflections spreading and changing constantly throughout the entire pool of existence
when we die, will we be allowed to see what's around our previously immediate bodies and planet?

does the truth about what someone thought or felt or did really even matter? the only thing that matters is right now- and what you're going to do, however you figure out how to do it

small child immediately devours my attention always

I like imagining our species like an ant colony, doing everything in order and formation without knowing.

why do formulas re-occur constantly without effort, and blend so seamlessly to not be noticed
who's brain started all this

I've almost gone completely notably deaf

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